Signature Lashes After Care Guide
It takes up to 24 hrs for the eyelash adhesive to fully dry and certain activities will be damaging for the bond between the eyelash extensions and the natural lash,
resulting in premature partial loss of your extensions, therefore for the next 24 Hrs DO NOT :
- Expose your Eyelash Extensions to water
- Apply makeup or any skin care (especially Oil based) on or around your eye area
- Touch your extensions or rub the eye area
After 24 Hrs have passed follow the guideline below :
- Wash your eyelashes daily in a gentle manner with none-oily face wash or a drop of Johnsons Baby shampoo mixed with water. It's important to cleanse your eyelashes daily from a build up of dust,
make up, skin care and natural skin oils to ensure long lasting result
How to cleanse you Eyelash Extensions :
- Splash your lashes with warm water
- Using your ring finger gently massage your cleansing product along the lash line and eyelashes, then splash with water until all cleanser is rinsed away
- Pat the skin around your eyes with dry towel and let lashes dry naturally
- Once dry, use a clean lash brush to gently separate your extensions. Do not brush your lashes when they are still wet
- Do not worry if you see a few lashes have fallen out, we naturally loose between 1-5 lashes every day
Things that can cause premature loss of Eyelash Extensions:
- Using mascara on your extensions
- Using oily skin care products and make up
- Not cleansing your extensions and around the eyes
- Extreme heat such as sauna and steam room
- Soaking your lashes in water for too long (swimming, etc.)
- Excessive sweating
- Sleeping on your face
- Contact with hair conditioner during hair washing
When coming for your Infill Appointment :
- Ensure your lashes are thoroughly cleansed and brushed and eyes are make-up free. Any residue on the lashes will compromise the bond of the lash adhesive resulting in premature loss of the
- Please schedule your Infill appointments every 2-3 weeks to keep your Eyelash Extensions looking fresh